I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University under Lars Birkedal. I am presently at Oxford University as a visiting researcher.
I study programming languages, type theories, and logics. I am particularly interested in applying semantic methods to prove syntactic properties of modal type theories and programming languages. I am also involved in the development of program logics for concurrent programming languages through the Iris project.
Carlo Angiuli and I are currently working on a book on dependent type theory. An early draft of the manuscript is available here: Principles of Dependent Type Theory
- Co-lecturer with Lars Birkedal for the Spring 2024 iteration of Modern Dependent Type Theory
- Teaching assistant under Amin Timany and Jean Pichon for the Fall 2022 iteration of Compilers
- Co-organizer with Lars Birkedal of the Spring 2021 iteration of Categorical Type Theory.
- Teaching assistant under Lars Birkedal for the Fall 2020 iteration of Category Theory
- Teaching assistant under Lars Birkedal and Anders Møller for the Fall 2019 iteration of Program Analysis and Verification
Please see my bibliography for bibtex entries for my published papers.-
Free theorems from univalent reference types
J. Sterling, D. Gratzer, L. Birkedal
Computer Science Logic, 2024
(Arxiv, PDF) -
Syntax and semantics of modal type theory
D. Gratzer
PhD thesis
(PDF) -
Under Lock and Key: A Proof System for a Multimodal Logic
G. A. Kavvos, D. Gratzer
The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 2023
(Arxiv, PDF) -
mitten: flexible multimodal proof assistant
P. Stassen, D. Gratzer, L. Birkedal
TYPES 2022 Post-proceedings, 2023
(PDF) -
A stratified approach to Löb induction
D. Gratzer, L. Birkedal
Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction, 2022
(PDF, Errata, Slides) -
Normalization for multimodal type theory
D. Gratzer
Logic in Computer Science, 2022
(PDF, Short abstract, Long article, Arxiv, Slides)
A Cubical Language for Bishop Sets
J. Sterling, C. Angiuli, and D. Gratzer
Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2022
(PDF, Arxiv) -
Modalities and Parametric Adjoints
D. Gratzer, E. Cavallo, G.A. Kavvos, A. Guatto, L. Birkedal
Transactions on Computational Logic, 2022
(PDF, Short abstract)
Multimodal Dependent Type Theory
D. Gratzer, G. A. Kavvos, A. Nuyts, and L. Birkedal
Logic Methods in Computer Science, 2021
(PDF, Arxiv) -
Transfinite Iris: Resolving an Existential Dilemma of Step-Indexed Separation Logic
S. Spies, L. Gäher, D. Gratzer, J. Tassarotti, R. Krebbers, D. Dreyer, L. Birkedal
Programming Language Design and Implementation, 2021
(PDF, Appendix, Coq Development) -
Multimodal Dependent Type Theory
D. Gratzer, G. A. Kavvos, A. Nuyts, and L. Birkedal
Logic in Computer Science, 2020
(PDF, Technical Report) -
Implementing a Modal Dependent Type Theory
D. Gratzer, J. Sterling, and L. Birkedal
International Conference on Functional Programming, 2019
(PDF, Technical Report, Experimental Implementation, Slides)
Distinguished Paper at ICFP'19 -
Cubical Syntax for Reflection-Free Extensional Equality
J. Sterling, C. Angiuli, and D. Gratzer
Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction, 2019
(PDF, Extended Arxiv Version)
Best Paper Award for Junior Researchers -
Iron: Managing Obligations in Higher-Order Concurrent Separation Logic
A. Bizjak, D. Gratzer, R. Krebbers, and L. Birkedal.
Principles of Programming Languages, 2019.
(PDF, Website, Coq Development)
Selected Preprints and Unpublished Notes
Directed univalence in simplicial homotopy type theory
D. Gratzer, J. Weinberger, U. Buchholtz
(PDF) -
The Category of Iterative Sets in Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations
D. Gratzer, H. Gylterud, A. Mörtberg, E. Stenholm
(PDF, Arxiv) -
A modal deconstruction of Löb induction
D. Gratzer
Weak-head conversion testing for MTT
D. Gratzer
Adjoint modalities in MTT
D. Gratzer
Controlling unfolding in type theory
D. Gratzer, J. Sterling, C. Angiuli, T. Coquand, L. Birkedal
(PDF) -
Denotational semantics of general store and polymorphism
J. Sterling, D. Gratzer, L. Birkedal
(Arxiv, PDF) -
Unifying cubical and multimodal type theory
F. Lerbjerg Aagaard, M. Baunsgaard Kristensen, D. Gratzer, L. Birkedal
(Arxiv, PDF) -
Strict universes for Grothendieck topoi
D. Gratzer, M. Shulman, and J. Sterling
(Arxiv, PDF) -
The directed plump ordering
D. Gratzer, M. Shulman, and J. Sterling
(Arxiv, PDF) -
An inductive-recursive universe generic for small families
D. Gratzer
(Arxiv, PDF) -
Crisp induction for intensional identity types
D. Gratzer
Syntactic categories for dependent type theory: sketching and adequacy
D. Gratzer, J. Sterling
(PDF, Arxiv)
An Addendum to Section 7 of First Steps in Synthetic Guarded Domain Theory
D. Gratzer
(PDF, Github Repo) -
Formalizing Concurrent Stacks With Helping: A Case Study In Iris
D. Gratzer, M. Høier, A. Bizjak, and L. Birkedal
(PDF, Coq Development)
The Coq source has been updated and revised -
On the Independence of The Continuum Hypothesis
D. Gratzer
(PDF, Github Repo)
Selected Talks
Controlling unfolding in type theory
D. Gratzer, J. Sterling. C. Angiuli, T. Coquand, L. Birkedal
WG 6 meeting, 2023
(Slides) -
Modalities and (weak) dependent right adjoints
D. Gratzer
HoTTEST, 2023
(Slides, Recording) -
Denotational semantics of type theory
D. Gratzer
LogSem Seminar, 2023
(Speaker notes) -
Normalization for multimodal type theory
D. Gratzer
TYPES, 2021
(Slides, Recording) -
Modalities and Parametric Adjoints
D. Gratzer, E. Cavallo, G.A. Kavvos, A. Guatto, L. Birkedal
TYPES, 2021
(Slides, Recording) -
Multimodal Dependent Type Theory
D. Gratzer, G.A. Kavvos, A. Nuyts, and L. Birkedal
Stockholm University, Logic Seminar, 2020
(Slides) -
Multimodal Dependent Type Theory
D. Gratzer, G.A. Kavvos, A. Nuyts, and L. Birkedal
IT University of Copenhagen, PLZ Seminar, 2020
(Slides) -
Implementing a Modal Dependent Type Theory
D. Gratzer, J. Sterling, and L. Birkedal
International Conference on Functional Programming, 2019
(Slides) -
Implementing Type Theory
D. Gratzer
Computer Science Day (Aarhus University), 2019.
(Slides) -
Iron: Managing Obligations in Higher-Order Concurrent Separation Logic
A. Bizjak, D. Gratzer, R. Krebbers, and L. Birkedal.
Principles of Programming Languages, 2019.
(Slides) -
An Introduction to Normalization-by-Evaluation
D. Gratzer.
Aarhus LogSem Seminar, 2018.